Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab Skill Lab

Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab Skill Lab

Deploy to Kubernetes in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab Skill Lab

Task 1: Create a Docker image and store the Dockerfile

  • Run in the cloud shell
source <(gsutil cat gs://cloud-training/gsp318/marking/
  • Then click authorise if asked
  • Run in shell to clone the repo
    gcloud source repos clone valkyrie-app
  • cd valkyrie-app
  • create the docker file using this command
cat > Dockerfile <<EOF
FROM golang:1.10
WORKDIR /go/src/app
COPY source .
RUN go install -v
ENTRYPOINT ["app","-single=true","-port=8080"]
  • Make sure to replace Your Docker Image and Your Tag Name as assigned to you don't copy mine will not work

It is mentioned somewhat here Screenshot at 2022-05-15 10-40-16.png

docker build -t <Your Docker Image>:<Your Tag Name> .
  • finally run this command

Task 2: Test the created Docker image

Screenshot at 2022-05-15 10-40-26.png

  • Dont forget to replace it your docker image and tag name

    docker run -p 8080:8080 <Your Docker Image>:<Your Tag Name> &
  • and then

  • Now test it in web preview on port 8080

Screenshot at 2022-05-15 09-52-09.png

Task 3: Push the Docker image in the Container Repository

Screenshot at 2022-05-15 10-40-35.png

Make sure to replace and do the necessary changes as mentioned in your task

docker tag <Your Docker Image>:<Your Tag Name> <Container Re tag>
docker push <Container Re tag>

Task 4: Create and expose a deployment in Kubernetes

  • gcloud container clusters get-credentials valkyrie-dev --region us-east1-d
  • Make sure to replace Your Docker Image and Your Tag Name

    sed -i$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/<Your Docker Image>:<Your Tag Name>#g k8s/deployment.yaml
  • next simply run in shell

cd k8s
kubectl create -f deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f service.yaml

Task 5: Update the deployment with a new version of valkyrie-app

Screenshot at 2022-05-15 10-40-52.png

Change the Replica Count as it is mentioned to you

kubectl scale -f deployment.yaml --replicas=<Your Replica Count>
git merge origin/kurt-dev
cd ..

Screenshot at 2022-05-15 10-41-07.png Replace the Docker Image and the Updated Version

docker build -t$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/<Docker Image>:<Updated Version> .
docker push$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/<Docker Image>:<Updated Version>

Task 6: Create a pipeline in Jenkins to deploy your app

  • This command will give your container id which we will use in next step.
    docker ps
docker kill <container id received from above command>
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "" -l "" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8080 >> /dev/null &

This command will give you the Jenkins password which we will need later.

printf $(kubectl get secret cd-jenkins -o jsonpath="{.data.jenkins-admin-password}" | base64 --decode);echo
  • Open Jenkins on Web View Preview on port 8080

Username : admin

Password : The output received from the previous command

  • After Opening Dashboard click on -> Manage Jenkins -> Manage Credentials -> Jenkins -> Global credentials (unrestricted) -> Add credentials -> Kind: Google Service Account from metadata -> OK

Screenshot at 2022-05-15 12-47-20.png

  • Again Come the Dashboard then click on -> New Item -> Name : valkyrie-app -> Pipeline -> Pipeline script from SCM -> Set SCM to git -> OK
  • Pipeline -> Script: Pipeline script from SCM -> SCM: Git

Screenshot at 2022-05-15 12-48-55.png

  • Type this to get the repo link
gcloud source repos list
  • Add repo link and credentials will be your project id
  • Click Save

  • Type this in cloud shell , Replace Email with your student email and username with student username

sed -i "s/green/orange/g" source/html.go
git config --global ""         //Make sure to replace 
git config --global "student.1254"                       //Make sure to replace
git add .
git commit -m "built pipeline init"
git push
  • Wait 8-10 min till the build complete

Screenshot at 2022-05-15 12-52-10.png

It will sure like this after completing

Screenshot at 2022-05-15 13-02-10.png


You earned a new skill badge

Screenshot at 2022-05-15 14-24-31.png